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Braces Care!

August 2nd, 2019

When you’re at home, it’s easy to care for your braces and teeth: You have the luxury of time and the proper tools at your disposal. However, if you’re like most of our patients, you spend the majority of your day away from home at school or at work. Then you may find that proper braces care can be a hassle.

Keeping your teeth clean while you have braces is one of the most important facets of your treatment, because you don't want anything to cause any delay of your treatment progress. Brushing and flossing are super important.

To help make your orthodontic experience as convenient as possible, we’ve put together a list of helpful tips about caring for your braces while you’re at school or work.

Come Prepared

Put together a “to-go” kit that contains all the oral healthcare items you’ll need throughout the day. Pack a toothbrush, floss, wax, retainer case (if needed), a mirror, a small cup for rinsing, a small bottle of water (if water might not be readily available), and some brace relief.

Use Your Time Wisely

Take advantage of breaks and the lunch hour to give your braces and teeth a once over. Make sure you don’t have any food debris caught in your braces, and take the time to brush and floss. If you’ve just had your braces adjusted, you may feel some soreness. This is where the wax you packed will come in handy.

Eat the Right Food

You can prevent any possible mishaps or breakages with your braces by steering clear of foods that are sticky, chewy, and crunchy. Gum, candy, popcorn, hard chips, apples that aren’t cut into bite-sized pieces, nuts, beef jerky, and ice fall into this category.

Choose a Removable Option

If you know before you begin orthodontic treatment that your schedule will be hectic, think about trying a removable option. Clear aligners are just as effective as braces for most teeth-straightening needs, and they can be removed while you’re eating, brushing, and flossing.


If you follow these tips and stay on your oral health routine at home, you’ll be maximizing the effectiveness of your orthodontic treatment but also keeping it as hassle-free as possible.


July 2nd, 2019

Aligner Attachments

See the source image

Well, of course you’re attached to your aligners! Clear aligners are a wonderful, inconspicuous option for orthodontic treatment. But we’re talking about 3D attachments—those tiny tooth-colored pieces that are placed on your teeth to make your treatment even more effective.

What are attachments?
Attachments are small ridges made of orthodontic material that are bonded to your teeth. They are tooth-colored, so they blend in well with your enamel, and come in various shapes and sizes depending on their function. Your aligners will fit snugly and smoothly over them.

Why use attachments?
With the assistance of attachments, aligners can also treat more orthodontic conditions. Attachments act like little handles, and matching shapes in your aligner can click into place around them. This allows your aligners to provide gentle directed pressure, making more complex directional tooth movement possible.
Today’s aligners can help turn a rotated tooth, realign a tooth that hasn’t erupted correctly, address a bite problem, and move a tooth with an unusual size, shape, or angle, among other uses. Just as the shape of your aligners is specifically fabricated, the placement of the attachments is carefully planned as well. Computer modeling allows us to give you an attachment that has been customized for a perfect fit to each individual tooth, and perfectly placed to move the tooth where it needs to be.
Each attachment is temporarily bonded to the tooth, and removed after treatment. They can generally be placed even on restored teeth (teeth with fillings and crowns). How many attachments will you need? The number of attachments can vary widely, again always tailored to your individual needs.

Taking Care of Your Attachments
While your aligners will change frequently, your attachments probably will not. So it’s a good idea to make sure you treat them well! Attachments are made to be stain resistant, but if you are a regular coffee or tea drinker, you might notice some discoloration, especially on the enamel surrounding the attachment. Talk to us about the best way to keep your attachments their cleanest and most invisible.
And, remember to brush around them carefully. Food can stick around them after eating, so you want to be sure to brush thoroughly after every meal.
If one falls off, give us a call! One way to help keep your attachments secure is to remove your aligners gently. We’ll show you how.

If you are just now exploring your orthodontic options, and are interested in clear aligners, talk to us. We can let you know just what your orthodontic needs are, all of your options for treating them, and if aligners can work for you!

Proper Tooth Brushing Techniques!

May 3rd, 2019

  You are probably aware that brushing your teeth is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your oral health. But have you ever considered whether you’re brushing your teeth correctly? Here are some tips to make your brushing routine as effective and safe as possible:

Aim to brush for two minutes (that’s 120 seconds), twice a day, with a soft-bristled, small-headed toothbrush. As an alternative, you can use a powered toothbrush for increased cleaning efficacy.

Brush the outside surfaces of your teeth using small, gentle, circular motions while positioning the head of the toothbrush at a 45° angle to the gum line. Concentrate on small areas at a time until you’ve cleaned your entire mouth.

Brush the inside surfaces of your teeth using the same motion, and chewing surfaces using short, gentle, back-and-forth motions.

Gently brush your tongue (or use a tongue scraper). This will remove bacteria and dead cells from your tongue and lead to fresher breath.

Pay particular attention to the gum line, hard-to-reach areas in the back of the mouth, around dental and orthodontic appliances, and near fillings, crowns, or any other restorative work.

Choosing a toothpaste depends on your individual needs and preferences. Many different types are available for oral health issues such as tartar, gingivitis, or sensitive teeth. But proper brushing technique is the most important tactic for removing tartar from your teeth.

We recommend that you replace your toothbrush every three months or when the bristles begin to wear, whichever comes first. It’s also advisable to replace your toothbrush after you’ve been sick, since the bristles of the toothbrush can trap bacteria and allow them to proliferate.

Along with flossing, proper brushing will keep your mouth healthy and beautiful. Please let anyone in our office know if you have questions about your brushing and/or flossing routine.

Floss! It's just as important as brushing!

January 11th, 2018

Just brushing your teeth isn't enough to keep your mouth clean and prevent disease. The tissue between your teeth

where your toothbrush can't reach is more prone to infection. That is why flossing regularly is just as essential to your

overall oral health care as brushing. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests flossing at least once a day to

promote total oral health.

Why should you floss?

Flossing removes plaque from the areas of your teeth that your toothbrush just can't reach. If you don't remove this

plaque, it can harden into calculus or tartar which can cause infection or disease. Two common issues associated with

not flossing include gingivitis (gum infection) and periodontitis (gum disease), both of which can lead to the loss of

a once-healthy tooth.

When should you floss?

In the end, it does not matter if you floss during the day or the night, as long as you floss regularly. The best way to make

sure that you're flossing on a regular basis is to make it a part of your daily routine. If you feel too tired at night, try flossing

in the mornings. If your mornings feel too rushed, make flossing a regular part of your nightly ritual.

Here are some helpful flossing tips from the ADA:

  • Flossing is necessary for children who have at least two teeth that touch. If your child is not yet able to floss
  • effectively by themselves, help them floss and make it a regular part of their teeth-brushing routine.
  • Try different flossing methods and find one that works best for you. Those who have difficulty flossing may like
  • using a dental pick, pre-threaded flosser, or even just a different type of floss.
  • If you experience pain when you first start flossing, this pain should ease within a week or two of regular flossing
  • and brushing. If you still experience discomfort after you have been flossing regularly, consult your dentist.

No matter when you floss or what type of floss you use, make sure that you floss on a regular basis. If you find it difficult

or you are not sure if you're flossing effectively, consult a member of our team. Though flossing may add just one more

step to your daily routine, it's just as important to achieving a healthy smile as brushing.

American Association of Orthodontists World Federation of Orthodontists American Board of Orthodontists American Dental Association American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Academy of Sports Dentistry Invisalign Invisalign ClearCorrect Straight 2 You